Terms and Conditions

Last Updated: 03 August 2024

Terms and Conditions for review samples

These terms are partly based on ZeroAir's, with modifications.


  1. These Terms and Conditions are effective immediately, apply to any and all samples and materials sent, and override any previous agreements, verbal, written, or otherwise. We reserve the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time and without notice. Henceforth, Wolfgirl Reviews shall be referred to as “the author” in the following text.

  2. All samples and materials sent to the author become the property of the author. Samples and materials will NOT be returned to the sender. Requests to have the samples and materials returned will not be fulfilled.

  3. You agree not to charge Wolfgirl Reviews or the author any fees, costs, or other compensatory charges in exchange for keeping samples and materials sent for review.

  4. Samples and materials sent for review may be damaged or destroyed in the reviewing process. If this happens, the author will request a replacement. The author will make all best effort to ask for the minimum replacement parts necessary, but is not under any obligation to perform complex repairs.

  5. You agree not to hold Wolfgirl Reviews or the author liable for the cost of samples and materials that are lost or damaged in the shipping process.

  6. By sending samples and materials for review you agree to the following:

    a) The review will be published on the Internet in full public view. The review will be published on this website (https://wolfgirlreviews.com) or any successor site. The review will also be linked in postings on various forums and sites, as deemed appropriate. These will generally include /r/flashlight, /r/WolfgirlReviews, and BudgetLightForum.com, but posting anywhere but this website is not guaranteed, and choice of where the review is linked is entirely at the author's discretion, and may be affected by factors outside the author's control. Nothing in this agreement is intended to in any way prohibit manufacturers from promoting the review using their own channels, but all promotion by manufacturers should primarily consist of a link to the full review. Short excerpts of text and images are permitted to be republished when included with a link to the full review.

    b) You take the risk of the review being unfavorable. You accept the fact that unfavorable reviews will still be published.

    c) You accept the fact that the honest opinions of the reviewer will be stated in the review.

    d) You accept that, although an honest attempt will be made to accurately represent information about the product or materials being reviewed, no guarantees are made as to the accuracy of the information presented in the review.

    e) You agree not to hold Wolfgirl Reviews or the author liable in any way for damages, consequential or otherwise, that result from your participation in the review process.

    f) Review materials become the property of the author and will NOT be returned.

  7. If you send samples or materials for review that have already been reviewed on the site, the following applies:

    a) If the author mistakenly told you that the author had not reviewed the samples or materials, the author will either pay the purchase price or ship them back to you at the author’s cost, as is preferred by the author.

    b) If you sent the samples or materials without confirming that they had not yet been reviewed, the author can either keep the samples or materials or ship them back at your cost. This is your choice.

  8. Reviews are generally completed in the order received. A variety of factors may affect the order of reviews. No guarantee is made that they will be completed in the order received.

  9. Demands on the author’s time dictate the rate at which reviews will be completed. No guarantee is made regarding the time it will take to complete and post reviews, unless expressly agreed by the author before the product is received.

  10. Different testing equipment may be used between reviews, or equipment may be recalibrated at any time. There is no guarantee any two reviews will be directly comparable using the same test equipment. Test equipment used is calibrated on a "best effort" basis and is not certified by any standards body unless otherwise noted.

  11. Review format may vary and include or exclude various tests, descriptions, and features. No guarantee is made regarding the format or contents of the review.

  12. The author will add an acknowledgment to the review that you provided the sample for review, but that all opinions contained within the review are her own.


If you do not agree with any of the above-stated terms or conditions, DO NOT send samples or materials for review.

Website Terms and Conditions

  1. "The site" in the following text refers to Wolfgirl Reviews, currently located at https://wolfgirlreviews.com

  2. The site may collect information from users based on HTTP request information. This data will be stored for the minimum of time required to ensure the availaility, security, and integrity of the site, for a maximum of 90 days. No personally identifiable information is collected and statistical data will be aggregated at a level that prevents identification of any user.

  3. The site does not set any cookies or embed any social media buttons, advertising, tracking pixels, or similar. JQuery is used for some site elements, which is currently loaded from https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/. Users may disable JavaScript or install a browser addon such as decentraleyes if interaction with this service is not desired. The site currently uses CloudFlare as a CDN and WAF layer and for mitigation of DoS attacks and malicious bots.

  4. The site may link to other websites of any type for any reason. The site's owners are not responsible for any content on externally linked sites, including the accuracy, objectivity, or suitability of any such content, or for the security, integrity, or continued availability of other websites. Only content on the site is under the control of the authors. Linked resources are under the copyright and terms of service of their original authors.

  5. The site is made available on a "best effort" basis. The site's owner may restrict or rate limit access for any individual user or group of users, including geographical locations, specific networks, browsers or other user agents, request signatures, usage patterns, or any other reason. There is no specific guarantee of availability or performance.

  6. Affiliate links are in use on the site. Any specific interest, financial or otherwise, in a product, is disclosed, as are the details of each review sample received.

  7. All content is, unless otherwise noted, copyright of Wolfgirl Reviews. Unauthorised reproduction of entire articles or of significant proportions of content is prohibited. Excerpts of text and individual images may be reproduced for the purpose of discussing or promoting the content, when accompanied by a link to the original material.

    a) Specific permission is granted to share, for non-commercial purposes only, performance graphs, such as lumen and candela output, size comparison photos, and beamshots (including of comparison lights), when credited and accompanied by a link to the original review.

    b) Specific permission is granted to the manufacturer of a reviewed light to share beamshots and performance graphs for commercial purposes, when connected to the reviewed product only.

    c) All content shared under the provisions of 7a and 7b must be shared free of charge. Charging for access, whether in money, cryptocurrency, or anything else that constitutes an exchange of value, is prohibited without express permission.

  8. Scraping the content of the site for use in training an LLM or other generative model, whether for commercial or non-commercial purposes, is prohibited without express permission from the site's owner. Accessing the site is permitted for LLMs and other assistant software in order to retrieve information for a user on receiving a request from the user, but this information must not be incorporated into any training set.

Revision History