Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: August 2024

We believe privacy is a fundamental human right. There are no cookies, adverts, tracking pixels, analytics JavaScript, social media buttons, or any other such content in use on this site. We may do basic log analytics and use analytics tools provided from any CDNs, WAFs, or other technology in use. Analysis is done at a level of aggregation where data is not personally identifiable, generally at the level of country, browser type and version, and similar non-identifiable metrics.

Caching, CDN, and WAF services are currently provided by CloudFlare. JQuery is used for some site elements, which is currently loaded from Users may disable JavaScript or install a browser addon such as decentraleyes to load JQuery from local resources instead. In some reviews, YouTube videos may be embedded - if this presents a privacy concern then most good web browsers have a "tracking protection" setting that will prevent loading resources from YouTube unless the video element is actively engaged with.

It is not possible to request deletion, correction, or a copy of personal data, as no personal data is collected or retained.