Tactical lights

Acebeam E75 review - high power tactical EDC light

Published 2024/07/15

"At what point does a tactical EDC light become large enough to be a strategic one instead?"

The Acebeam E75 is a large high-power tactical EDC light, powered by a 21700 battery and with an output of up to 4500 lm.


JetBeam RRT01 Raptor review

Published 2024/01/08

"OK, I really need to do do a few reviews of something else after this, this was not planned to be a theme..."

The Jetbeam RRT01 is a small tactical light with rotary control. After receiving the V11R featured in my previous review, I wanted a similar light for myself and got the RRT01 as the closest comparable light. Compared to the V11R, it is a larger and higher performance light that only uses li-ion batteries.


Weltool M8 review

Published 2023/11/29

"An efficient, durable tactical zoomie with a spec under 50,000lm? U WOT M8?"

"So for my second full review, I'm doing another twisty light? Well, kind of..."

The Weltool M8 is a rugged tactical zoomie using a round die LED and a twisty zoom mechanism.