An Update

Published 2024/11/06

Categories: Not A Review,

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I'm sure everyone knows what happened by now so I won't waste words. Writing is difficult for me now anyway for obvious reasons.

Currently in-progress reviews will still be completed. I do not have any estimate for how long this will take. I am currently not taking any new review offers. At some point my equipment will need to be packed up because I am moving. I have already started packing my collection.

I considered writing a post before the 5th, urging people to vote. I decided not to. I know if I had it wouldn't have made a difference anyway.

For the probably very small number of people that don't know: I am transgender. I came to the US in 2015 from the UK to be with my partner, and to build what at the time I felt like could be a better life for both of us. At the time the UK and US both seemed reasonably safe. This year, an extremist anti-trans government took power in the UK, and has been steadily dismantling our rights there too. I no longer have anywhere I can leave the US to safely. This election was my last hope. I was recently in hospital with a life-threatening condition exacerbated by stress, and was making phone calls from my hospital bed for the Harris campaign, because in this election, everything was at stake for me.

Make no mistake, there is nobody that will be unaffected by this. Even if you think you won't be affected by the impending destruction of civil rights, you will be by everything else. The world will never be the same again, and entirely for the worse. Costs of living will be more expensive for everyone. The light enthusiast community relies on trade with China. That will be gone now. Basic services will be dismantled. Reproductive rights will be gone nationwide. Social safety nets will be gone. Disaster relief will be gutted, even as natural disasters become all the more common. There will no longer be an EPA to slow climate change or prevent the poisoning of the air and water. Mass deportations are on the horizon. The Department of Justice will be placed under direct control of the president. Democracy is dead in the US.

Everyone in the US needs to make a plan, to be ready to at the very least move internally, and possibly leave the country.

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